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When Can Spousal Support Be Modified After a Texas Divorce?

 Posted on April 13, 2022 in Divorce

North Texas Divorce LawyerWhen a couple chooses to end their marriage and get a divorce, both spouses may experience financial difficulties. Each spouse will need to make changes to their lives as they shift from combining their incomes and expenses to managing separate households. Most of the time, spouses will need to scale back on their spending and determine how to cut down on expenses so that they will be able to meet their ongoing needs. However, there may be some situations where one spouse may not earn enough to fully support themselves and maintain their standard of living. For example, stay-at-home parents may not earn any income, and they may rely on their spouse’s income to cover the family’s financial needs. In these cases, spousal maintenance/alimony may be appropriate. 

If a couple agrees that one spouse will pay spousal support to the other after their divorce, or if spousal maintenance is awarded by the judge in a couple’s divorce case, the determination of the amount that should be paid and the amount of time that payments will last will be based on the parties’ circumstances at the time of their divorce. However, it is likely that circumstances will change in the years following the end of a couple’s marriage. In some cases, an ex-spouse may believe that certain changes are significant enough to warrant a modification of spousal support. In these situations, it is important to understand how modification requests may be handled.

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When CPS Gets Involved While Parents Divorce

 Posted on March 31, 2022 in Family Law

Frisco Family Law AttorneyGetting divorced when you have children is already stressful enough. You are trying to make sure that you get a fair deal out of the divorce while also trying to put your children’s needs first. It can be terrifying when you find out that someone–most likely your spouse–has gotten Children Protective Services involved and accused you of abusing or neglecting your children. You have probably heard horror stories of parents having their children torn away from them in the blink of an eye. Being the subject of a CPS investigation can be alarming and panic-inducing under any circumstances, but if you are in the middle of a child custody case, it can be particularly frightening–and potentially risky. 

If this is happening to you, it is important that you immediately contact an attorney who has experience with abuse allegations during divorce. 

What Should I Do if My Spouse Calls CPS During Our Divorce?

First off, do not panic. If you handle the situation correctly, it is likely that nothing will come of it. However, you may want an attorney to manage the response to a CPS investigation. You do not want to make any mistakes. A few things you should know in this situation include: 

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What to Know About Divorcing an Abusive Partner

 Posted on March 21, 2022 in Divorce

Frisco Divorce LawyerIf you are in an abusive relationship, getting a divorce can be a powerful way to protect yourself and your children. Intimate partner violence tends to escalate over time, so the sooner you leave that type of marriage, the better. When there is violence at home, you may be afraid to take the important step of filing for divorce. You may fear that your spouse will retaliate, or that you will not have a way to support yourself. There are steps an attorney can take to help you stay safe during this process and to help reduce your stress during the time your divorce is in the courts. Make sure you work with a lawyer who has experience with divorces involving abuse. 

4 Things to Be Aware of When You Divorce an Abusive Spouse

When your marriage has become unsafe due to abuse, you might be worried about how the divorce process will go. While you probably cannot expect much cooperation from your spouse, you can get divorced whether they like it or not. Some things you should know about divorce after abuse include: 

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Three Things to Know About Same-Sex Divorce in Collin County, TX 

 Posted on February 22, 2022 in Divorce

Collin County Divorce LawyerThe Supreme Court ruling of Obergefell v. Hodges was a manifestation of a sea of change in American cultural attitudes towards the legality of homosexual marriage. In many ways the culmination of many years of deeply felt activism on both sides of the issue, this 2015 ruling made same-sex marriage legal in every state. But along with same-sex marriage came the same complications and difficulties of heterosexual marriage, including divorce. While gay and lesbian couples getting divorced in Texas can expect the same-sex divorce process to look mostly the same as their heterosexual peers, here are some important facts to know.

Cohabitation Agreements Are Trumped By Prenuptial Agreements

Same-sex spouses who got married in a state where same-sex marriage was legal before the Obergefell v. Hodges decision may have signed a prenup in their state of marriage and a cohabitation agreement in Texas. Now that same-sex marriage is legal everywhere, the prenuptial agreement a couple signed in another state will take legal precedence over a cohabitation agreement signed in Texas. 

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Do I Have to Establish Paternity for My Child in Texas? 

 Posted on February 04, 2022 in Family Law

North Texas Parentage LawyerMany unmarried women get pregnant accidentally or before finding out that the child’s father is not a man they want to raise a child with. They may then wonder if establishing paternity would be in their or the child’s best interests. After all, if the child’s father is abusive, unavailable, or a philanderer, many women may reason that there is simply no reason to inform him of the pregnancy. 

While some women ultimately do decide to never establish parentage in Texas, there are good reasons for doing so even if you do not like your child’s father. Before you decide whether you want to establish paternity, here are some things to consider. 

Will Not Establishing Paternity Hurt My Child? 

An abundance of research suggests that children do best by almost every metric when they have fathers in their lives. Fatherless children are more likely to drop out of school, abuse drugs and alcohol, engage in criminal activity, have trouble regulating their emotions, and become pregnant as a teenager. 

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How Are Child Support Payments Determined in Collin County? 

 Posted on January 28, 2022 in Family Law

North Texas Divorce LawyerDivorce requires a family to restructure major aspects of their lives: their living arrangements, their relationships, their finances, and more. While the quality of the relationship between a parent and her child can and should be the most important concern following a divorce, financial arrangements are also very important. Understanding how child support is handled in Texas is essential for moving on with a steady and predictable budget after a divorce is finalized. If you are a divorcing parent in Collin County, TX, this information may be useful to you. 

Important Factors in Child Support Payments 

Texas courts use a special formula to estimate ideal monthly child support payments. Both parents’ income from all sources is taken into consideration. This includes salary, hourly, and overtime pay, as well as bonuses, tips, commissions, and other monetary benefits.

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What Do I Need to Do if I Want to Move With My Child After a Divorce in Texas? 

 Posted on January 20, 2022 in Family Law

North Texas Family Law AttorneyEvery year, more children in the United States are the product of divorced or never-married parents. Over time, Texas law has been updated to reflect the realities of modern family life, becoming more flexible and allowing unmarried co-parents to make arrangements that work for their family. One common consequence of having unmarried parents is the likelihood that one parent will want to move away from the other and take their child with them. But when a parent wants to move and he or she shares custody of a child with another adult, Texas law has certain requirements to protect the best interests of the child. 

What Are the Best Interests of a Child? 

Whenever Texas courts make decisions about a child, including how time spent with each parent and important decision-making responsibilities are allocated, it makes these decisions with the child’s best interests in mind. Although several other factors are taken into consideration, the ultimate standard that must be met is whether an arrangement would be the best for a child, given the circumstances. 

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How is Money and Property Divided in a Collin County Divorce?

 Posted on December 20, 2021 in Divorce

Collin County Property Distribution AttorneyIf you are getting divorced, you probably have hundreds of questions. You may wonder how you and your soon-to-be-ex will divide the contents of your bank accounts or handle ownership of the family vehicles. You may question who will keep the marital home, furniture, and other tangible property. You may also have business interests, investments, and retirement accounts that will need to be dealt with. Property division can be a complicated and contentious issue during a Texas divorce. A divorce lawyer can help.

Marital Settlement Agreements: Determining Property Division Outside of Court

Each divorce case is different. The complexity of the property division process is largely based on the types of assets spouses’ own and their ability to reach an agreement on how to divide those assets. Some spouses are able to reach a property distribution settlement without the court’s involvement. Many negotiate a property division arrangement through their lawyers and formalize their decision in the marital settlement agreement.

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Is it Possible to Get Full Custody of a Child in Texas? 

 Posted on December 13, 2021 in Child Custody

Collin County Child Custody LawyerMany parents seek to pursue what they call “full custody” of their child in a Texas divorce or custody modification. However, Texas law actually does not use the terms “custody” or “visitation” - instead, a parent’s legal relationship with their child is split into two areas: Conservatorship, meaning the right to make decisions for the child, and possession, or time spent with the child. In our last blog, we cover Texas’s treatment of child custody in fuller detail. 

It is important to know that Texas only terminates one parent’s rights if he or she meets the grounds for termination under the Family Code - not because parents dislike each other or disagree with each others’ parenting methods. In this blog, we will examine some of the rare situations in which a parent may be able to get full parental rights that exclude the other parent. 

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How is Child Custody Determined in Texas?

 Posted on November 23, 2021 in Child Custody

North Texas Child Custody LawyerParents want what is best for their children. Whether you are an unmarried parent or a parent planning to divorce, you probably have several questions about child custody in Texas. Who your child will live with and how significant decisions about the child’s upbringing will be made are essential concerns during a Texas divorce. Read on to learn about child custody laws and what to do if you need help with child custody concerns.

Legal Custody and Physical Custody

Each state handles child custody slightly differently. In Texas, “legal custody” refers to parents’ decision-making authority. Parents with legal custody have the right to decide where their children will go to school, what type of healthcare the children receive, whether the children go to church or participate in other religious practices, and more.

Physical custody refers to where the child lives and which parent cares for the child on any given day. The Texas Family Code calls custody “conservatorship,” but the term child custody is still used informally in this blog for clarity purposes.

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